以實質行動表達關愛和支援,協助輪椅使用者 / 行動不便人士解決交通、覆診或取藥等問題,簡單透過電話或Google form進行申請及預約便可。待服務發展穩定後,會聘請戒毒康復者擔任關顧員,為有需要人士提供外展關顧服務、或按當事人意願連繫到區內的社會服務單位/教會。
i. 為行動不便之殘疾人士和長期病患者提供便捷的交通服務,以實質行動表達關愛和支援。
ii. 透過接觸,加強各界共融、減低對身體障礙人士或戒毒康復者的負面標籤。
This is a transportation service for wheelchair users and people with limited mobility. We also assist service users to attend follow-up consultations and take medications. People can book our services by phone or by submitting a Google form. After our service is well developed, we will employ ex-drug abusers to be helpers of the outreach caring service. We can also recommend them for a position in other social service units or churches in the community according to their wishes.
i. To support and show our care for people with limited mobility and chronic patients by assisting them to travel to different places.
ii. To enhance an inclusive society and promote a positive image of ex-drug abusers by increasing people’s contact with them.