




i)               「盛載」輪椅接載服務 (Wellness- wheelchair users escort service)

ii)             「生命樹」關顧實務及福音戒毒訓練課程

The association planned to start a social enterprise in 2017 to help ex-drug abusers who have difficulties in finding jobs after they reintegrate into the society.

Since this is a self-financing project, we need to find an independent office to separate from subvented service. In 2018, we joined a programme organised by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) to find a suitable co-working space. After visiting SPACES in Kwun Tong in July 2019, we have chosen a place there and submitted a proposal to HKCSS for approval. On 2nd December 2019, we received the key of that office and the project kicked off.

‘Life Tree Project’ is a self-financing social enterprise project. The project aims to provide former drug abusers with on-the-job training and job opportunities by expanding the organization’s network and resources through opening up the social enterprise business.

The project includes two major items:

i) ‘Wellness’- wheelchair users escort service

ii) ‘Life Tree’ frontline practice and training course for drug service based on gospel approach


